Wohngemeinschaften in Berlin-Neukölln (Neukölln)

Top Premium WG Poseidon - WG-Zimmer in Neukölln zu vermieten! Zentral gelegen und moderner Einrichtung. Perfekt für Berufstätige od…
820,00 €
20 m2
12055 Berlin
Immobilientyp: Wohnung
Zimmer 1 = ca. 21 m² = 810,00 € Zimmer 2 mit Balkon = ca. 20 m² = 840,00 € Zimmer 3 = ca. 20 m² = vermietet Der Mietpreis beinhaltet nicht nur Grundmiete des Zimmers, sondern auch Heiz- und Betriebskosten, moderne Möbel, hochwertige
Ausstattung, GEZ-Gebühren, Strom und WLAN. Ein regelmäßiger Putzdienst in den Gemeinschaftsräumen rundet unseren einzigartigen Service ab.
Top Premium WG Artemis - 2er WG-Zimmer in Neukölln zu vermieten! Zentral gelegen und mit moderner Einrichtung. Perfekt für Berufstä…
790,00 €
12 m2
12055 Berlin
Immobilientyp: Wohnung
Zimmer 1 = ca. 21 m² = vermietet Zimmer 2 = ca. 12 m² = 790,00 € Der Mietpreis beinhaltet nicht nur Grundmiete des Zimmers, sondern auch Heiz- und Betriebskosten, moderne Möbel, hochwertige Ausstattung, GEZ-Gebühren, Strom und WLAN. Ein
regelmäßiger Putzdienst in den Gemeinschaftsräumen rundet unseren einzigartigen Service ab.
Top Premium Möblierte Altbau-WG im Szenebezirk Neukölln
790,00 €
21 m2
12051 Berlin
Immobilientyp: Wohnung
Zimmer 1 = ca. 20 m² groß = vermietet Zimmer 2 = ca. 21 m² groß = 790,00 € Zimmer 3 = ca. 17 m² groß = vermietet Zimmer 4 = ca. 12 m² groß = vermietet Der Mietpreis ist ein Inklusivpreis und beinhaltet nicht nur die Grundmiete des Zimmers,
sondern auch eine hochwertige Ausstattung mit Hülsta Möbeln, Heiz- und Betriebskosten, Strom, GEZ-Gebühren und WLAN. Eine Reinigung der Gemeinschaftsräume im zweiwöchigen Turnus rundet diesen einzigartigen Service ab.
Top Premium WG mitten in Neukölln!
822,00 €
22 m2
12053 Berlin
Immobilientyp: Wohnung
Zimmer 1 = ca. 10 m² groß = vermietet Zimmer 2 = ca. 22 m² groß = 822,00 € mit Balkon Zimmer 3 = ca. 14 m² gr0ß = vermietet Der Mietpreis ist ein Inklusivpreis und beinhaltet nicht nur die Grundmiete des Zimmers, sondern auch eine hochwertige
Ausstattung, Heiz- und Betriebskosten, Strom, GEZ-Gebühren und WLAN. Eine Reinigung der Gemeinschaftsräume rundet diesen einzigartigen Service ab.
Top Premium WG nahe Schillerkiez
660,00 €
10 m2
12053 Berlin
Immobilientyp: Wohnung
Zimmer 1 = ca. 13 m² groß = vermietet Zimmer 2 = ca. 23 m² groß = vermietet Zimmer 3 = ca. 10 m² gr0ß = 660,00 € Der Mietpreis ist ein Inklusivpreis und beinhaltet nicht nur die Grundmiete des Zimmers, sondern auch eine hochwertige
Ausstattung, Heiz- und Betriebskosten, Strom, GEZ-Gebühren und WLAN. Eine Reinigung der Gemeinschaftsräume rundet diesen einzigartigen Service ab.
Top Premium Zimmer in der Hermannstraße
820,00 €
1 Zi.
63 m2
Kaltmiete, zzgl. NK
Immobilientyp: Wohngemeinschaft, Zimmer
Room in Hermannstraße Available from: Book now: Min. Stay: 4 Max. Stay: 18 Deposit: 1230 Contract opening costs: Membership Fee: €150 [ENG] How does Som work? Som is an online platform for medium-long term rentals that was created as a
guarantee for the tenant: we check all the apartments and the photos are recent and reliable so you can book online with peace of mind to avoid someone else doing it before you. To book online, follow the link above and click on "rent now". If you need help,
Top Premium Zimmer in der Hermannstraße
830,00 €
1 Zi.
121 m2
Kaltmiete, zzgl. NK
Immobilientyp: Wohngemeinschaft, Zimmer
Room in Hermannstraße Available from: Book now: Min. Stay: 4 Max. Stay: 18 Deposit: 1245 Contract opening costs: Membership Fee: €150 [ENG] How does Som work? Som is an online platform for medium-long term rentals that was created as a
guarantee for the tenant: we check all the apartments and the photos are recent and reliable so you can book online with peace of mind to avoid someone else doing it before you. To book online, follow the link above and click on "rent now". If you need help,
Top Premium Zimmer in der Hermannstraße
830,00 €
1 Zi.
143 m2
Kaltmiete, zzgl. NK
Immobilientyp: Wohngemeinschaft, Zimmer
Room in Hermannstraße Available from: Book now: Min. Stay: 4 Max. Stay: 18 Deposit: 1245 Contract opening costs: Membership Fee: €150 [ENG] How does Som work? Som is an online platform for medium-long term rentals that was created as a
guarantee for the tenant: we check all the apartments and the photos are recent and reliable so you can book online with peace of mind to avoid someone else doing it before you. To book online, follow the link above and click on "rent now". If you need help,
Top Premium Hermannstraße 14, Student Housing in Berlin | Amber
832,00 €
6 Zi.
12 m2
Kaltmiete, zzgl. NK
Immobilientyp: Wohngemeinschaft, Zimmer
Top Premium Tannhaus Berlin Rix Neukölln, Berlin Student Accommodation | Amber
2.795,00 €
2 Zi.
66 m2
Kaltmiete, zzgl. NK
Immobilientyp: Wohngemeinschaft, Zimmer
Top Premium Zimmer in der Hermannstraße
780,00 €
1 Zi.
143 m2
Kaltmiete, zzgl. NK
Immobilientyp: Wohngemeinschaft, Zimmer
Room in Hermannstraße Available from: Book now: Min. Stay: 4 Max. Stay: 18 Deposit: 1170 Contract opening costs: Membership Fee: €150 [ENG] How does Som work? Som is an online platform for medium-long term rentals that was created as a
guarantee for the tenant: we check all the apartments and the photos are recent and reliable so you can book online with peace of mind to avoid someone else doing it before you. To book online, follow the link above and click on "rent now". If you need help,
Top Premium Zimmer in der Hermannstraße
780,00 €
1 Zi.
143 m2
Kaltmiete, zzgl. NK
Immobilientyp: Wohngemeinschaft, Zimmer
Room in Hermannstraße Available from: Book now: Min. Stay: 4 Max. Stay: 18 Deposit: 1170 Contract opening costs: Membership Fee: €150 [ENG] How does Som work? Som is an online platform for medium-long term rentals that was created as a
guarantee for the tenant: we check all the apartments and the photos are recent and reliable so you can book online with peace of mind to avoid someone else doing it before you. To book online, follow the link above and click on "rent now". If you need help,
Top Premium Zimmer in der Innstraße
800,00 €
1 Zi.
56 m2
Kaltmiete, zzgl. NK
Immobilientyp: Wohngemeinschaft, Zimmer
Room in Innstraße Available from: Book now: Min. Stay: 4 Max. Stay: 18 Deposit: 1200 Contract opening costs: Membership Fee: €150 [ENG] How does Som work? Som is an online platform for medium-long term rentals that was created as a guarantee
for the tenant: we check all the apartments and the photos are recent and reliable so you can book online with peace of mind to avoid someone else doing it before you. To book online, follow the link above and click on "rent now". If you need help,
Top Premium Beautiful studio in the Neukölln district
1.129,00 €
1 Zi.
54 m2
Kaltmiete, zzgl. NK
Immobilientyp: Wohngemeinschaft, Zimmer
Wszystkie apartamenty są wyrafinowane i oferują komfort i prywatność. Dzięki zrównoważonej mieszance naturalnych materiałów i wybranych elementów vintage łączymy prostotę z ciepłą estetyką. Tutaj łatwo jest naładować baterie i
oczyścić głowę. W przypadku najemców przebywających na 1-3 miesiące wymagamy tylko miesięcznego czynszu całkowitego jako kaucji. W przypadku najemców przebywających 4-12 miesięcy będziemy wymagać dwumiesięcznego czynszu całkowitego jako kaucji. Rental period for this listing is between 3 - 24 months
Top Premium Room 2

Room 2

Quelle: rentola.de
819,00 €
1 Zi.
41 m2
Kaltmiete, zzgl. NK
Immobilientyp: Wohngemeinschaft, Zimmer
Room in Hermannstraße Available from: Book now: Min. Stay: 3 Max. Stay: 12 Deposit: 950 Contract closing costs: Closing fee: 89€ *********** [ENG] How does Som work? Som is an online platform for medium-long term rentals that was created as a
guarantee for the tenant: we check all the apartments and the photos are recent and reliable so you can book online with peace of mind to avoid someone else doing it before you. To book online, follow the link above and click on "rent now". If you need help,
Top Premium Zimmer in der Donaustraße
895,00 €
1 Zi.
110 m2
Kaltmiete, zzgl. NK
Immobilientyp: Wohngemeinschaft, Zimmer
Room in Donaustraße Available from: Book now: Min. Stay: 4 Max. Stay: 18 Deposit: 1342 Contract opening costs: Membership Fee: €150 [ENG] How does Som work? Som is an online platform for medium-long term rentals that was created as a guarantee
for the tenant: we check all the apartments and the photos are recent and reliable so you can book online with peace of mind to avoid someone else doing it before you. To book online, follow the link above and click on "rent now". If you need help,
Top Premium Sonnenallee 147, Berlin
810,00 €
3 Zi.
20 m2
Kaltmiete, zzgl. NK
Immobilientyp: Wohngemeinschaft, Zimmer
Top Premium Zimmer in der Donaustraße
770,00 €
1 Zi.
110 m2
Kaltmiete, zzgl. NK
Immobilientyp: Wohngemeinschaft, Zimmer
Room in Donaustraße Available from: Book now: Min. Stay: 4 Max. Stay: 18 Deposit: 1155 Contract opening costs: Membership Fee: €150 [ENG] How does Som work? Som is an online platform for medium-long term rentals that was created as a guarantee
for the tenant: we check all the apartments and the photos are recent and reliable so you can book online with peace of mind to avoid someone else doing it before you. To book online, follow the link above and click on "rent now". If you need help,
Top Premium Room 6

Room 6

Quelle: rentola.de
655,00 €
1 Zi.
32 m2
Kaltmiete, zzgl. NK
Immobilientyp: Wohngemeinschaft, Zimmer
Room in Hermannstraße Available from: Book now: Min. Stay: 3 Max. Stay: 12 Deposit: 900 Contract closing costs: Closing fee: 89€ *********** [ENG] How does Som work? Som is an online platform for medium-long term rentals that was created as a
guarantee for the tenant: we check all the apartments and the photos are recent and reliable so you can book online with peace of mind to avoid someone else doing it before you. To book online, follow the link above and click on "rent now". If you need help,
Top Premium Room 3

Room 3

Quelle: rentola.de
679,00 €
1 Zi.
34 m2
Kaltmiete, zzgl. NK
Immobilientyp: Wohngemeinschaft, Zimmer
Room in Hermannstraße Available from: Book now: Min. Stay: 3 Max. Stay: 12 Deposit: 900 Contract closing costs: Closing fee: 89€ *********** [ENG] How does Som work? Som is an online platform for medium-long term rentals that was created as a
guarantee for the tenant: we check all the apartments and the photos are recent and reliable so you can book online with peace of mind to avoid someone else doing it before you. To book online, follow the link above and click on "rent now". If you need help,